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Elohim, Aude and their kids

Elohim, Aude and their kids

We had already travelled the world by land as a family and backpacking. We needed to check it out by sea. The ultimate way. Like the big explorers who from the 15th to the 19th century upended man’s geographic vision. It’s now our turn to upend our own! Our objective, Polynesia, epitomises the worldwide dream…
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Our NEEL experience : Matthias and his family

We sailed our boat from La Rochelle to Southampton, and then back through the channel, through the Biscay and are currently in Cape Verde. So far we sailed almost 3000 nautical miles. To us the most striking feature is the ease with which you can sail a NEEL. You can do all maneuvers single handed,…
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Pascal et Marie à bord de leur NEEL 45

Pascal et Marie aboard their NEEL 45

Indeed, for the last two years that we have been sailing with KEZEO, our NEEL 45 Racing, in the USA and in the Caribbean zone, every time we enter a new anchorage that is somewhat crowded, screams come out, thumbs up, congratulations rain down, tenders circling around us like hungry seagulls, and dozens of questions…
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