We left La Rochelle around the 20th November as we needed to be in the Caribbean for Christmas. We made the most of northerly winds from the coast of Corogne with a downwind sail, we took a little less than 48 hours to get there. We knew that the wind would be strong, we had…
19 November 2015, the reception of our NEEL 45, its name Ti’foufou. It is beautiful with its yellow foresails and lazybag. We immediately appreciate life on board facilitated by the original design of the boat. Fortunately, the weather is pleasant in La Rochelle, which is great for completing the final preparations. 2 December 2015, 1815,…
On the last ARC, the Neel 45 dominated. But looking at the account of this transat, it seems that life aboard a cruising trimaran on the Atlantic remains a particularly pleasant moment: The departure from Las Palmas went well, with 30 knots of wind on the quarter, and we quite quickly found ourselves among the…